Administrator/Moderator Rules:Hello forum staff it has occured to me that we have to establish some rules regarding our forum.
General Rules:1. Create/Participate In Topics. It is important that as mods/admins get involve in our community. Member come for the active topics and posts. If a post does not interest you...THEN CREATE ONE! You really have no excuse to not create a topic now
. It's also really boring for me to talk to myself. It also does not have to be about winx club but in the general section as well.
2. Post Count. As of next month I am hopefully going to be establish a new post count rule for moderators. For every month you have to have at least 20 posts in total and they can not be in the same day.
3. Promoting Our Forum. We are doing all that we can but even our little work isn't going to be enough. We need all admins and moderators to create an AD for their website or blog or social media account. We will not tolerate any excuses what so ever.
4. Missing Or Broken Links. Towards the end of the month I will issue for all mods and admins to check their assigned section for missing or broken links.
5. Positive Energy. It is important to be positive and think about the entire well being of the forum. That also includes complaining about your job. You are the one who asked for it! Being a moderator/admin is alot of work if you can't handle it then you can't keep it.
6. Notices and Meeting Dates. If you are not going to be on the forum for a long period of time please contact Crystal Flake. Or if you are an admin then please leave a notice in our notepad or admin corner. It would be best to leave it in the Welcome section though.
7. KEEP IMPORTANT INFORMATION OFF THE CHATBOX! It is IMPORTANT to leave important information off of the chatbox. That includes what we talk about in meetings. We meet in a special chatbox for a reason you know. The whole forum does not need to know what goes on behind the scenes.
8. Listening To Senior Admins. It is important to listen to your senior administrators that would be Kim and Crystal who are the first and second seat admins. They have been on the forum longer than you and have more experience and care about the well being of their forum.
Note: Promoting rule currently does not apply anymore.